yellow+green is the new black+white


#4. working 9 to 5

oh, how i sort of long for that.

sci-arc never sleeps. people live here, they even have pets.

coming from a school that closes at ten in the evening, is closed at weekends and that is basically way to small to house all attending students, sci-arc was a blessing. the experience of being able to hang around school 24/7 is one i will never forget. coming back to school, at 4 at night after a party in hollywood to do some work in a buzzed state is interesting, to say the least. having my own desk, not spending hours to look for one, is a thing of both joy and beauty.

now that i am ready to go back to my own school in the netherlands, what will i tell my friends about studying architecture at sci-arc?

being able to go to school 24 hours a day gives way to unbridled working ethics. bluntly said, people tend to work to much. i was no exception. back in delft i pulled around 4-6 all nighters a semester. here i think i did at least 15. in a one month shorter semester. it is all about being part of the gang and being dragged in. sleeping on the couch has transformed from being a job-related inconvenience to a comfortable moment away from architecture.

attending a school that has limited opening times does have its benefits. you learn a life without architecture. you learn to fit the amount of work in less hours than here at sci-arc. work in delft is all related to credits. 1 credit is 28 hours of work, and you have to generate 60 credits each year, which is 10 months. you do the math.

sci-arc studiowork knows no boundaries. there are studios where people have an average of two sleepless nights a week. because professors are reluctant to translate assignments into acceptable workloads, burnout is quite of common appearance.

anyway, back to work or else i'll have to make mine an all-nighter ;)

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